Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: In the death of Christ I die - Who is he that condemneth? (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 845

In the death of Christ I die - Who is he that condemneth?
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Who is he that condemneth?

1. In the death of Christ I die;
  in the life of Christ I life!
all my ill he from me takes,
  all his good to me doth give. (PDF - Midi)

2. With him nailèd to the cross,
  with him buried in the grave,
with him raised from bonds and death,
  life for ever thus I have.

3. He the fight for me hath fought,
  and for me the battle won;
thus in weakness I am made
  victor through the conquering One.

4. He the guilt for me hath borne,
  condemnation now is done:
wrath has vanished; I am made
  righteous in the righteous One.

5. On me love for ever rests;
  like a river, peace doth flow:
Christ the mighty work hath done;
  God is for me, this I know.

6. His name now is one with mine,
  I in him, and he in me;
on his breastplate is my name,
  Priest and Advocate is he.

7. Covered with thy robe, O Christ,
  all thy beauty now is mine;
me in thee the Judge beholds,
  my life now is lost in thine.

8. Since thou livest, I shall live;
  never canst thou me disown.
Not the cross for me remains,
  nor the manger, but the crown.

Horatius Bonar, The Song of the New Creation, 1872, 132-133.

           PDF - Midi