Christ My Song - 1966
A few more conflicts, toils, and tears - Pilgrim Song
(Meta Heusser-Schweizer/Jane Laurie Borthwick/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Pilgrim Song.
1. A few more conflicts, toils, and tears,
a little more of griefs and fears –
the seed of hope for joys to come:
Love, as a gentle friend and guide,
walks by the faithful pilgrim's side,
and soothes his sorrows, on the journey home. PDF - Midi
2. Sweeter than words of mortal love,
we hear the message from above,
by ransomed souls in glory sung: –
"Now all our tears are wiped away,
while Jesus leads us, day by day,
the trees of life and living streams among."
3. The shades of evening hasten on,
the summer heats will soon be gone;
short, at the longest, is our road;
hark! every hour, with passing-bell,
seems of that coming hour to tell
which brings us to our Father's blessed abode.
4. And every pilgrim, who has passed
through all our trials, safe at last,
leaves a bright track along the way
to the fair City, where each guest
is welcomed to the bridal feast,
by the great King, whom all in love obey.
5. How bright the dear ones gone before,
beside the Lord for evermore,
now to the eye of Faith appear!
Let feeble knees and hearts be strong:
Forward! the toil will not be long,
for victory, and rest, and home are near!
H.L.L., alias Jane Laurie Borthwick, Alpine Lyrics, ca. 1874, 44-45.
Translated from the German Noch ein wenig Schweiß und Tränen - Pilgergesang of Meta Heusser-Schweizer.