Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: To heart and soul how sweet thou art - Whiter than snow (Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 798

To heart and soul how sweet thou art - Whiter than snow
(Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Whiter than snow.

Hebrews 4,14.

1. To heart and soul how sweet thou art,
  O great High Priest of God!
my heart brought nigh to God's own heart
  by thy most precious blood. (PDF - Midi)

2. No more my countless sins shall rise
  to fill me with dismay –
that precious blood before his eyes
  hath put them all away.

3. My soul draws near with trust secure,
  with boldness glad and free;
what matters it that I am poor,
  for I am rich in thee.

4. Forgotten every stain and spot,
  their memory past and gone,
for me, O God, thou seest not,
  thou lookest on thy Son.

5. Is all a dream? Thou canst not lie,
  thy Spirit and thy Blood
proclaim to sinners such as I
  the boundless love of God.

6. They tell thy love, so deep, so free,
  they tell the Father's heart –
not what I am, or I must be,
  they tell me what thou art.

7. Come, weary sinners, great and small,
  the open door stands wide,
thy blessed heart that welcomes all,
  O Lamb of God, who died.

Frances Bevan, Hymns of Ter Steegen, Suso and others 1, 1899, 20-21.
(Also in: Frances Bevan, Sketches of the Quiet in the Land, 287-288.
Here 3,4 reads: I, I am rich in thee?)

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