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Hymn score of: "The everlasting hills!" how calm they rise - Mouintains (Meta Heusser-Schweizer/Jane Laurie Borthwick/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 454

"The everlasting hills!" how calm they rise - Mouintains
(Meta Heusser-Schweizer/Jane Laurie Borthwick/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)


1. "The everlasting hills!" how calm they rise,
  bold witnesses to an Almighty Hand!
We gaze with longing heart and eager eyes,
and feel as if short pathway might suffice
  from those pure regions to the heavenly land. PDF - Midi

2. At early dawn, when the first rays of light
  play like a rose-wreath on the peaks of snow;
and late, when half the valley seems in night,
yet still around each pale majestic height
  the sun's last smile has left a crimson glow, –

3. then the heart longs, it calls for wings to fly, –
  above all lower scenes of earth to soar,
where yonder golden clouds arrested lie,
where granite cliffs and glaciers gleam on high
  as with reflected light from Heaven's own door.

4. Whence this strange spell, by thoughtful souls confessed
  ever in shadow of the mountains found?
'Tis the deep voice within our human breast,
which bids us seek a refuge and a rest
  above, beyond what meets us here around!

5. Ever to men of God the hills were dear,
  since on the slopes of Ararat the dove
plucked the wet olive-pledge of hope and cheer;
or Israel stood entranced in silent fear,
  while God on Sinai thundered from above. ...

6. And once on Tabor was a vision given
  sublime as that which Israel feared to view,
when the transfigured Lord of earth and heaven,
mortality's dim curtain lifted, riven,
  revealed his glory to his chosen few.

7. On mountain heights of Galilee he prayed
  while others slept, and all beneath was still;
from Olivet's recess of awful shade
thrice was that agonized petition made,
  "Oh that this cup might pass, if such thy will!" ...

8. And on Mount Zion, in the better land,
  past every danger of the pilgrim way,
at our Redeemer's feet we hope to stand,
and learn the meanings of his guiding hand
  through all the changes of our earthly day.

9. Then hail, calm sentinels of heaven, again!
  Proclaim your message, as in ages past!
Tell us that pilgrims shall not toil in vain,
that Zion's mount we surely shall attain,
  where all home longings find a home at last!

H.L.L., alias Jane Laurie Borthwick, Alpine Lyrics, ca. 1874, 15-17.
Translated from the German Wie stehn sie da, der ewgen Allmacht Zeugen - Die Berge of Meta Heusser-Schweizer.

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