Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Now in thy presence I appear - Prayer for Mercies in general (Christian Fürchtegott Gellert/Henry Mills/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1535

Now in thy presence I appear - Prayer for Mercies in general
(Christian Fürchtegott Gellert/Henry Mills/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Prayer for Mercies in general.

1. Now in thy presence I appear,
  O Lord, my supplications hear!
The record of my crimes efface,
  thou God of mercy and of grace! PDF - Midi

2. A heart that's pure, create in me,
  a heart to love and honour thee,
an humble heart of thanks and praise,
  a heart to trust thee all my days.

3. Be thou my help when dangers rise,
  on thee I rest my waiting eyes:
no ills can do my spirit harm,
  while guarded by thy friendly arm.

4. Myself and hopes are in thy hand,
  from thee, all that I understand;
but still increase my knowledge, Lord,
  by sure instructions of thy word.

5. Thy name – that it may yield delight,
  O keep it ever in my sight!
My faith – that it may work my joy,
  let works of faith be my employ.

6. So, Lord, my path of duty teach, –
  that, learning, I may strive to reach,
in what I do, the perfect rule
  of virtue taught us in thy school.

7. In my own strength, I'm all unfit
  the trials of the world to meet:
but, with thy strength to bear me through,
  can meet them, and can conquer too.

8. Of earthly good, to make me blessed,
  grant, Lord, just what thou seest best:
of envied wealth I ask no store, –
  what thou wilt bless – I ask no more.

9. The bounties thou to me shalt lend,
  may I to others' wants extend;
more pleased the needy to relieve,
  then when thy bounties I receive.

10. I health implore, for doing good,
  for serving thee with gratitude:
but for my health would never take
  such care, as duty to forsake.

11. Ever a faithful friend supply,
  to cheer my way to joys on high;
one who, that both for God may live,
  shall counsel and example give.

12. Should thou old age to me assign,
  and should its evil days be mine:
may still my trust in thee abide,
  nor clouds of age thy mercy hide.

13. And when my life on earth shall end,
  do thou my dying couch attend!
Be then, through thy dear Son, O Lord,
  my endless life, my great reward!

Henry Mills, Horæ Germanicæ, 1856, hymn 70.
Translated from the German Ich komme vor dein Angesicht - Allgemeines Gebet
of Christian Fürchtegott Gellert.

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