Christ My Song - 131
My soul in God abideth still - My soul is still in God
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
My soul is still in God.
1. My soul in God abideth still,
and ceaseth her complaining;
let him do with me what he will,
while life is yet remaining;
he is my Lord, his servant I,
do what he will, I ask not why;
his ways are truth and mercy. PDF - Midi
2. And yet 'tis hard to be quite still,
and by distrust offend not,
when things appear to turn out ill,
and God we comprehend not;
blind reason summons to her bar
God's providence for things that are
to deep for her to fathom!
3. "Why this, why that?" we oft demand
in our presumptuous cavil;
"This tangled web the wisest hand
can surely not unravel;
surely my troubles are too great,
I have deserved a better fate
than providence allots me."
4. Meantime my God is silent long,
until the glorious issue
shews that no thread was woven wrong
in all the wondrous tissue;
until at last the hour is come,
when full of shame I must stand dumb
in presence of my Maker.
5. Therefore my soul, abide thou still
in God, in every season,
who orders all things by his will,
and not thy feeble reason:
and when the end shall make quite clear
the things which now so dark appear,
thou shalt give God the glory.
6. Then wilt thou have great cause for praise,
that, conscious of thy blindness,
thou didst not murmur in dark days,
nor doubt God's loving kindness;
and when thy waiting time is o'er,
thou shalt praise God for evermore
for all his wondrous mercies.
Richard Massie, Lyra Domestica I, 1863, 51-52.
Translated from the German Zu Gott ist meine Seele still - Meine Seele ist still zu Gott
of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.