Christ My Song - 142
A gentle angel wendeth - Patience
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
1. A gentle angel wendeth
throughout this world of woe,
whom God in mercy sendeth
to comfort us below.
Her looks a peace abiding
and holy love proclaim;
O follow then her guiding,
sweet Patience is her name! PDF - Midi
2. She leads us through this tearful
and sorrow-stricken land,
and speaks, resigned and cheerful,
of better days at hand;
and when thou art despairing,
she bids thee clear thy brow,
herself thy burden sharing,
more hopeful far than thou.
3. She sobers into sadness
thy grief’s excessive smart,
and steeps in peace the madness
and tumult of the heart.
The darkest hour she maketh
as bright as sun at noon,
and heals each wound that acheth,
full surely, if not soon.
4. Thy falling tears she chides not,
but pours in healing balm;
thy longing she derides not,
but makes devout and calm;
and when in stormy seasons
thou askest, murmuring, why?
she giveth thee no reasons,
but smiling points on high.
5. To every doubt and question
she cares not to reply;
"Bear on," is her suggestion,
"thy resting-place is nigh."
Thus by thy side she walketh,
a true and constant friend,
not over much she talketh,
but thinks "O happy end!"
Richard Massie, Lyra Domestica I, 1863, 20-21.
Translated from the German Es zieht ein stiller Engel - Geduld
of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.