Christ My Song - 1494
O thou Father of all living - Prayer for youth
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Prayer for youth.
1. O thou Father of all living,
but in an especial way
of the sons who, with thanksgiving,
thee from filial love obey;
Let their hearts be ever grateful
for the gifts thou hast bestowed,
while they shun all sin as hateful
'gainst so good and kind a God. PDF - Midi
2. By the Spirit's wise direction
train them early in the truth:
they are spared much sharp correction,
who have sought thee in their youth.
Let them not presume too surely
on their strong and healthy shoot:
many a blossom prematurely
falls before it brings forth fruit.
3. Let them to thy praise and glory
trees of thine own planting be,
and, though here so transitory,
ripen for eternity.
Let them, under thy protection,
in thy vineyard fruitful stand,
cherish every good affection,
prune the bad with vigorous hand.
4. Show them early thy salvation,
let them early seek thy face,
and thy gracious invitation
in their tender years embrace.
Take them under thy protection,
till their life on earth is o'er;
through a joyful resurrection
lead them to thy heavenly shore.
Richard Massie, Lyra Domestica II, 1864, 55-56.
Translated from the German O du Vater über alles - Für die Jugend of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.