Christ My Song - 1498
There is a song so thrilling - The song of songs
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The song of songs.
1. There is a song so thrilling,
so far all songs excelling,
that they who sing it, sing it oft again;
no mortal did invent it,
but God by angels sent it,
so deep and earnest, yet so sweet and plain. PDF - Midi
2. The love, which it revealeth,
all earthly sorrows healeth;
they flee like mist before the break of day.
When, O my soul, thou learnest
that song of songs in earnest,
thy cares and troubles all shall pass away.
Richard Massie, I, 1863, 33.
Translated from the German Es gibt ein Lied der Lieder - Das Lied der Lieder
of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.