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Hymn score of: O thou beautiful Creation - Joy in Creation (Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 136

O thou beautiful Creation - Joy in Creation
(Carl Johann Philipp Spitta/Richard Massie/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Joy in Creation.

1. O thou beautiful Creation,
  which the Lord's almighty hand,
for our joy and admiration,
  hath so wonderfully planned!
O how varied are thy features,
  O what love is there displayed,
to delight and bless the creatures
  which his power and wisdom made! PDF - Midi

2. In the high and heavenly places,
  in the lowest e'er explored,
we discern the plainest traces
  of the goodness of the Lord!
Earth and air, and boundless ocean,
  all are mirrors, where we see,
now in stillness, now in motion,
  love in its immensity.

3. At a distance, and in nearness,
  in the star, and in the flower,
are inscribed with truth and clearness
  God's great wisdom, love, and power.
Everywhere we see the traces,
  which a child may understand,
of a God, whose love embraces
  all the works of his own hand.

4. Oh! how sweet it is from nature
  to look up to nature's God,
to a merciful Creator,
  who in all things seeks our good;
who deserves the consecration
  of all powers which we possess,
worship, praise, and adoration,
  more than tongue can e'er express!

5. Yes! I know thee, revelation
  of my Lord in nature traced,
since not only in creation
  I have learnt to see and taste
thy great love, and mark its traces,
  but in Jesus Christ have found
love, which every love surpasses,
  grace, no mortal man can sound.

Richard Massie, Lyra Domestica I, 1863, 11-12.
Translated from the German O du schönes Weltgebäude - Freude an der Schöpfung
of Carl Johann Philipp Spitta.

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